Traditionally, it will be about the top slalom skis Ogasaka Triun SL, this time the 2019/20 model year (hereinafter I will call this model year as 2020). Judging by the catalog, the geometry of the skis has not changed, that is, the same as on skis 2019 and 2018. Therefore, the expectations were, like last year, the ski will remain the same. However, the test on the snow showed a noticeable difference, and for the better. Skis have become more tenacious and active. The difference is really small, but noticeable. According to information from Iwamoto san Ogasaka engineers reworked the design of the tip of ski.
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Tag: Ogasaka Triun SL
Ogasaka Triun SL – top slalom ski by japaneese ski factory Ogasaka
Ski Ogasaka Triun SL 18/19
Traditionally, we will talk about the top slalom skis from Ogasaka (Japan), 165 cm length. In this year (2018), we got these skis at the same time when beginning of testing in Japan (for which thanks to Iwamoto san). The geometry and design are the same as the models 2017/2018. On the snow skis seemed a little softer, but laboratory measurements showed that within the accuracy of measurements, skis can be considered the same. That is, the main change to the Ogasaka Triun SL 2019 model year in comparison of 2018 one is coloring.
Ski Ogasaka Triun SL 17/18. Part 4, test on snow
Skis Ogasaka Triun SL 2018th year were cardinally redeveloped in comparison with the previous model year. The skis had a more radical side cutout, they became stiffer, the shape of the deflection also changed. First of all, I was concerned about the rigidity, since the skis of the previous model year were already quite tough, much stiffer than the skis of the “race stock” from other manufacturers. Therefore, even more greater rigidity of the skis of 2018 caused concern about whether it would be possible to bend skis on the Moscow hills, where the speed is less than in mountains. The answer could only be by snow. Snow is not good yet. There was no good hard cover in December 2017, and there was no opportuntity for testing in the slalom course. Nevertheless, the first impressions already exist. Continue reading Ski Ogasaka Triun SL 17/18. Part 4, test on snow
Ski Ogasaka Triun SL 17/18. Part 3, stiffness and deflection
In this note I will consider the stiffness of the slalom skis Ogasaka Triun SL 17/18. In addition, from the analysis of the shape of the deflection I will try to evaluate the “rails” in the arc of a carved turn. Continue reading Ski Ogasaka Triun SL 17/18. Part 3, stiffness and deflection
Ski Ogasaka Triun SL 17/18. Part 2, sidecut shape
The catalog indicates that the radius of the side cutout of the Ogasaka Triun SL 17/18 ski, length 165 cm, is 11.0 meters. This is a fairly radical cutout for nowadays slalom skis, the traditional radius is 12.5 + – 0.3 meters. It is also interesting how much the shape of the side cutout corresponds to a circle, that is, how much possible to speak about the radius, and not just the “radicality” of the side cutout. For this purpose I measured the width of the ski in 0.5 cm steps.
Continue reading Ski Ogasaka Triun SL 17/18. Part 2, sidecut shape
Ski Ogasaka Triun SL 17/18. Part 1, catalog
Information about the Ogasaka ski collection of the next 2018 year began to arrive in March 2017. Ogasaka arranged testing in many ski centers in Japan. There were first reviews in the Japanese and Korean Internet. True, which is rather strange for the Internet era, the information was given in small portions and very carefully. Photos of a large size were sometimes removed after a day, and sometimes the images of skis were blurred over. Previously, I have not seen this 🙂 Just in case I asked Iwamoto san whether it’s worthwhile to spread the detailed information about new skis. Iwamoto san specially asked at the factory, they gave OK 🙂
Continue reading Ski Ogasaka Triun SL 17/18. Part 1, catalog
Ski Ogasaka Triun SL 16/17. Part 4, test on snow
In the spring of 2016, when the snow already was melted in Moscow, it was possible to “touch” slalom ski Ogasaka Triun SL 16/17. This site has a series of articles about it. Now the 2016/17 season has already begun. Ski resort “Kant” was opened on November 13, 2016, and in general snow coverage appeared so early in Moscow for the first in last 137 years of observation 🙂 So, it became possible to test skis on the snow.
Continue reading Ski Ogasaka Triun SL 16/17. Part 4, test on snow
Compliance ski sidecut shape to deflection. Part 2
Ski sidecut shape determines the trajectory along which goes “pressed into the arc” ski. But how ski lay on edge is determined by the natural deflection of the ski. The first estimation revealed no correspondence between these parameters. In this note I want to share with accurate measurements of 4 pairs of skis, and with very bright result.
Continue reading Compliance ski sidecut shape to deflection. Part 2
Ski Ogasaka Triun SL 16/17. Part 3, stiffness and deflection
In this note I present the measurement of deflection shapes for Ogasaka Triun SL skis model years 2015, 2016, 2017, with a focus on the characteristics of the model 2017.
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Ski Ogasaka Triun SL 16/17. Part 2, sidecut shape
In this article I present the results of sidecut measurements of skis Ogasaka Triun SL model year 2015, 2016 and 2017.
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