In the winter I move a little, while in the summer I like to ride a bicycle. Difficult to say how much my own weight “by nature” would be, because in the summer the weight reduce, and in winter it is gained. Last summer (2017) I rode a very little because of cold and rainy wheather. And the weight remained as it was. In winter I gained 5 more kilograms. So, in this bicycle season (2018) I decided to pay attention to the weight lose. With the aim – without any suffer to remove these five kilograms.
Continue reading How to lose weight cycling over one summer
Category: cycling
Сycling. Road and MTB bicycle. Brevet. Cross-country. Gadgets for cycling. Technical questions for cycling.
Bicycle tire sidewall repair
Among the possible damages of the bicycle tire are those in which the replacement of the tube does not help. In the note I will share experience of bicycle tire sidewall repair. More exactly – repairing the side of a bicycle tire Michelin Pro4 Service Course V2. Continue reading Bicycle tire sidewall repair
Bicycle chain and liquid paraffin
The bicycle chain is part of the transmission, located in the open air. Therefore, on the one hand, the bicycle chain must be maintained in a lubricated state, and on the other hand, dirt adheres to the oil, turning it into an abrasive. It is best to solve the problem by placing the chain in a container that is protected from dirt. I saw this decision at Kickstarter, but it could not collect the funds for starting production. Therefore, we have to look for a compromise, as the producers of lubricants for the chain write about. That is, an oil is created, which is where it needs lubricates, while where is no need not attract dirt. I can not say that I tried many greasings, but those who came across still pretty messed up the chain. In the note I want to share usage of two liquids. The oil lubricates, and the paraffin film protects against dirt.
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Road bike tires, I want to ride fast but without punctures
First time I’ve bumped to choice of road bike tires just when decided to purchase road bike. Based on network knowledge “stock” tires (those that installed to bike) must be replaced as soon as possible. Before road bikes we rode on MTB bikes (and tires), so road bike tires looks very unreliable against punctures. That why I bought “bulletproof” tires and used it for three seasons. Unfortunately, this medal has “reverse side” as this tires badly roll and poorly gip in corners. So if not only ride but take part in any amateur competitions I need other tires. But what?
Continue reading Road bike tires, I want to ride fast but without punctures
Garmin Edge Touring downgrade firmware
Updating the firmware is a good but dangerous thing. There may appear bugs, where they were not before. Although it should be quite opposite, as the new firmware is usually removes detected errors. Generally I try to follow the rule “if work – do not touch” 🙂 However, in recent times manufacturer ususally not asks if I want a new firmware, it can fly “through the air” or when connecting device to a computer. A rollback to the previous version or so-called “Downgrade Firmware”, is usually difficult and dangerous. Unfortunately, with my Garmin Edge Touring was happened just such a story. After updating firmware navigation on the route sometimes stop. About this and about how to return back, more in the note. Continue reading Garmin Edge Touring downgrade firmware
Clipless pedals, cleat position
I respect usage as common (flat) bicycle pedals as clipless pedals too. It is not matter of “holywar”. I’ve passed several 200 km brevets on flat pedals. There are some pluses and minuses in each kind of pedals. Looks like the main difficulty of “clipless” is finding cleat position on bicycle shoe. It firmly determines where foot is fastened to the pedal. In “common” pedals, you can put the foot as you like, but of course there is some habitual position. When I’ve switched to clipless pedals, set cleat position so that the location of foot was the same. It turned out that it does not work.
Continue reading Clipless pedals, cleat position
Ideal bike computer and estimated power
Bike computer collects data from sensors, then makes arithmetic operations and shows the result: speed, cadence, heart rate, travel time, etc. Sometimes – power, but it is usually a separate device. Frankly, it’s nonsense, when such a simple device is called as computer. It is rather a calculator, which is not much different from the first mechanical meters of wheel revolutions. But what it would be if real computer, for example, such as in smartphones, work “on board” during cycling? Continue reading Ideal bike computer and estimated power
Bicycle saddle number eight (part IV). Bicycle saddle ventilation
Ventilation in “ecosystem of fifth point – saddle” is very important in long rides. In this note I consider the possibility of saddle to maintain such ventilation, and focus in details on what threatens if not enough ventilation. This is IMHO much worse than if the saddle does not fit in geometry, or in longitudinal profile, or in stiffness.
Continue reading Bicycle saddle number eight (part IV). Bicycle saddle ventilation
Bicycle saddle number eight (part III). Bicycle saddle rigidity
Selecting next bicycle saddle – quite a painful deal. Topics about it in the forums not finished. People are looking for, find, descuss, ask again, sometimes it helps, but the themes continues. It may be because reliable algorithm of choice probably not exist. In previous articles were identified common issues when choice the next bicycle saddle and a separate note about the longitudinal profile of the saddle. In this article I will share information about bicycle saddle rigidity.
Continue reading Bicycle saddle number eight (part III). Bicycle saddle rigidity
Bicycle saddle number eight (part II). Saddle profile
In the first part of notes about the choice of seat for bicycle pitfalls were identified, any of which may lead to the chouce of one more next saddle. Some of such characteristics were marked for further consideration, and others were considered. In this note I will focus in detail on the longitudinal saddle profile.
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